Introduction to CHAKRAS

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The ROOT CHAKRA is your power base located at the bottom of your spine.

  • Survival/To Have

  • It is our link to the earth!

  • Mudra (symbolic hands)  Muladhara = the thumb & index fingers touch, your arms straight, hands on knees.


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I am safe, I am centered, I belong, I am grounded.
I am strong, grounded, & protected at all times.
I am connected to the present moment.

The SACRAL CHAKRA is connected to your emotions, creativity, sexuality & self-expression. Find it 2” below your belly button.

  • Creativity/To Feel

  • It is our movement & flow of life!

  • Mudra (symbolic hands)  Swadhisthana = place hands in lap, with palms facing upwards, right palm on top of left.


I am comfortable in my body, I express my creativity freely, I deserve & attract healthy relationships.
I allow my emotions to flow through me in a healthy way.
My body is scared & I am living with creativity & passion.

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The SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA allows your personal power & confidence to shine through. It is 2” above your belly button.

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  • Will Power/To Act

  • It is our inner sun/fire, where our power comes from & allow us to be our most authentic selves!

  • Mudra (symbolic hands)  Manipura = place hands between heart & stomach in prayer position pointing outwards, left thumb over right


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I am confident, I am powerful, I am kind, I make my own choices.
I am confident & respect myself at all times.
I am courageous, whole, & capable.

The HEART CHAKRA is in the center of your chest. It holds your connection to love & relationships.

  • Love/To Love

  • It governs love, emotional development, self-love, acceptance, balance, peace, connection, & compassion!

  • Mudra (symbolic hands)  Anahata = the thumb & index fingers touch, the right hand on the heart center, the left hand on the knee.


I love myself unconditionally, I love myself & allow others to love me, I feel connected to others.
I give & receive love effortlessly.
I have the courage to listen to & honor my heart.

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The THROAT CHAKRA is in the center of your throat. It impacts your communication & personal truth.

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  • Expression/To Speak

  • It governs communication & speaking your truth!

  • Mudra (symbolic hands)  Vishuddha = place hands by the stomach, fingers interlaced, thumbs touching.


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I have the courage to speak my truth, I express myself freely, I am honest in my communications.
My voice matters & I speak with truth.
I can easily express myself & I live authentically.

The THIRD EYE CHAKRA is in touch with your intuition & psychic sense. It can be found in between your eyebrows.

  • Intuition/Wisdom/To Perceive

  • It rules intuition & the unconscious & transcends time allowing us to see our inner & outer world!

  • Mudra (symbolic hands)  Ajna = place hands in front of the lower part of the breast, middle fingers up tips touching, the other fingers are bent at the first joint.


I allow myself to truly see my inner & outer world, I trust myself, I am connected to the Universe.
I trust my wisdom & intuition.
I see & think clearly.

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The CROWN CHAKRA connects you & your soul to the divine Universe. It hovers 2” above your head.

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  • Spiritual Connection/To Know

  • It is our connection to God, the source, the divine, a higher being, the Universe, & is all about faith & spirituality! It’s the doorway to pure consciousness & the higher self!

  • Mudra (symbolic hands)  Sahasrara = place hands in front of the stomach, fingers interlaced, little fingers pointed up.


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I allow myself to operate through my higher self, I let go of my ego, I trust the guidance from the divine energy, I am at peace.
I seek experiences that nourish my spirit.
I trust the guidance of something bigger than myself.


Episode 1: & Choosing Your Word of 2023


Let’s talk about FEAR!