
Mindset is EVERYTHING. The mind has so much strength; your thoughts control your actions which shape your reality. By shifting your mindset to a higher vibration your life will transform. By moving from a mindset filled with scarcity or that is fixed to a mindset full of abundance & growth you will see so much change in yourself & the world around you. Moving from a space of fear to love & creating that space through all aspects of your energy is powerful.

Looking at a scarcity versus abundance mindset is so important. Abundance general refers to a plentiful supply, while scarcity is a gap or limit in a resource. By shifting your mindset towards abundance you can increase supply in ALL aspects of your life as life is so intertwined. By enhancing your mind, you enhance your actions & thus enhance your life quality. Remember your mind creates your reality!

First, let’s look at how an abundance/growth mindset compared with a scarcity/fixed mindset.



  • There will ALWAYS be MORE.

  • I will collaborate to succeed.

  • If you succeed I’m inspired.

  • I persevere when frustrated.

  • I want to challenge myself.

  • I embrace change.

  • When I fail I learn.

  • I share knowledge freely.


  • There are endless opportunities to grow.

  • My effort & attitude determine everything.



  • There will NEVER be enough.

  • I must compete to succeed.

  • If you succeed I’m threatened.

  • I give up when frustrated.

  • I don’t like being challenged.

  • I FEAR change.

  • When I fail I am no good.

  • I don’t share knowledge or offer help.

  • Opportunities are shrinking & I’m running out of time.

  • My abilities determine everything.

  • I think small & avoid risks.


Now, let’s dive further in to highlight specific practices that abundance thinkers perform & ideas from a scarcity mindset that should be avoided.


  • Those with an abundance mindset show optimism & practice gratitude.

  • People who believe in their own abundance & the abundance of the world are eager to collaborate with others, share knowledge, & lend a hand!

  • People with an abundance mindset know there is enough for all! They are willing to give others what is there's in order to gain what truly belongs to them.

  • Those with an abundance mindset rise by lifting others! They know there are endless chances available!!!

  • People who embrace change, take risks, & welcome new opportunities are open to the abundance of the world!


  • Those with a scarcity mindset believe others must lose in order for them to win. Hoping for others to lose lowers vibrations & brings down the abundance of the environment they exist within.

  • People who believe that there is scarcity act out of fear that there is not enough. By acting out of fear, they are limiting themselves & decreasing their opportunities for abundance & growth.

  • People with a scarcity mindset withhold knowledge & aid from others, which continues to block the abundance in the world around them.

  • Those with a scarcity mindset settle for less, again because of fear!

  • People who think there will never be enough are limiting themselves & acting from a mindset of fear & scarcity.


It is easy to slip into a space of self-doubt & scarcity. Humans innately are animalistic. We started as hunters & gatherers, working from a place of scarcity. Scarcity has kept us alive. Those of us with anxiety & fear would have done very well during these more animalistic times. However, as our society has progressed, so have our needs. It is no longer about feeding our bodies but also feeding our souls. We can do this by acknowledging our thoughts. This acknowledgment can be practiced through meditation. In meditation, we can sit with our thoughts, allow ourselves to feel them, & then let them slip away through release. Outside of meditation, we can continue to release those thoughts that do not serve us. We can also challenge these negative thoughts and start shifting our minds towards the positive. 

If you think, “Everyone else is doing the same stuff, so why should I.” Try to realize just because everyone else is doing it DOES NOT mean I have to stop. For example, there are bunches of fast food chains that all sell essentially the same product, & none are lacking in abundance or success.

If you think, “I could never be as good as them.” Trying to realize that they put in all that work to get where they are & have shown you it is possible to get there. Now it is your turn! Just because they have done it, does not mean you cannot!  

If you think, “What if I totally fail?” Try to realize that you WILL fail if you do not try. You are blocking your own success by not even attempting to go after your dreams.

It is important to remember that in life, everything is a lesson. Everything that happens to you is meant to teach you what you need to know for your next opportunity! Choose to be open to the solution & looking for your next chance instead of focusing on the problem or what you are lacking. When you focus on what is lacking you will notice all your scarcity. However, if you focus on gaining experiences & on what is happening in those seemingly scarce times you will realize just how much abundance you have and everything you can be grateful for. This will help you look for the good!



