Let’s talk about FEAR!


LET FEAR GUIDE YOU! To build yourself up & make yourself better, you will need to make fear your NORTH STAR! Fear causes many people to deviate from their desires or never even try to reach them in the first place. This fear might be of failure or other negative consequences, & it might also involve unrealistic expectations.

Many individuals believe they have to conquer their goals, some of which they are scared to move towards, in one big swoop. However, letting fear guide you is less about reaching the big goal & more about gaining FORWARD MOMENTUM. SAY YES!!! But be realistic, set small goals, & slowly climb the mountain.

For example, for health, I believe a lot of people turn to running. But running can be very intimidating, especially for those who have not run for a long time or never have run. With the concept of forward motion, you absolutely do not have to get out a run a 10K on your first go! You can build up to it! Slowly add minutes or quarter miles to your run. Set those realistic goals & climb YOUR MOUNTAIN.


After all, you are lapping everyone on the couch. & ACTION is almost always better than INACTION. - A little pain makes us more appreciative! BE YOURSELF whole-heartedly & FEARFULLY! & then be more!!! Overall, I encourage you to jump when you're not ready & COMPLETELY TERRIFIED! The Universe will catch you!


Introduction to CHAKRAS


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