Welcome! It is so wonderful that you are here! I am thrilled you are joining me on my journey. A goal of mine is to cultivate an inclusive, diverse online community that shares a love of being alive! I care about creating a culture of connection through intentional initiatives.

My name is Bri. I am the creator of On Being Breezy. Every day I strive to be my most authentic self, be present and live in the moment, and find joy! I seek adventure and enjoy exploring the world around me. Intentional living is a big part of who I am.

I am excited to watch us grow together in our practices and towards flourishing and thriving. Please do not hesitate to reach out and share what brought you here!

Throw caution to the wind!

Thank YOU again for joining. To share more about myself, I want to tell a story about developing the
name On Being Breezy and about finding my voice.

One morning as the idea of starting this community swirled in my head, I was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying morning coffee. Early mornings are special to me as they are so peaceful and often my time to sit with myself and my thoughts. And I enjoy mornings a little extra when I get to share them with a loved one. That morning, my dad and I began talking about my ideas to create and cultivate an online community. I told him about all my ideas and confided that I was unsure where to begin. The feeling that I had to throw caution to the wind was super strong that morning, and I felt I just had to dive right in. But I needed a name!!!

Over the years, I had thought about starting an online community but kept getting stuck on where to begin. Flashback to college, my dad had told me - one of the most valuable things a person owns is their name. It is the root of their identity, the center of their person. So settling on a community name from which I would function was a big step. I knew I wanted to have breezy in the name – a play off my name, and a concept that feels casual, cheerful, and confident. Meanwhile, my dad kept calling out name ideas along the lines of: De-Bri, like debris, and Catastro-Bri, like a catastrophe. And though these names were jokes, they are significant to my story. 

Finding my voice!

I am a fan of the idea: start before you are ready. So, for the foreseeable future, my website might look like a catastrophe and cluttered with debris as my ideas come to life,
and I develop my skills at presenting them online. I am excited to share my life experience and knowledge with all of you. And I also want to keep my humanity and my own growth and learning at the center of all I do. I am excited to watch the joy unfold and share in the moments to begin. But even more so, I appreciate your support as this happens. I am eager to watch life continuously come to be and to drive it forward! Truly, I am excited for OUR journey together and cannot wait to get to know you and the group that gathers here.

Officially, I am a ‘96 baby who received a dual Bachelor of Arts Degree in 2018 from the University of Connecticut. One of my BAs is in General Music with a concentration in French Horn, and the other is an Individualized Major in Psychosocial Health Studies. As a young professional, I facilitated outreach programming for children with serious illnesses and their families that produced: connection, a sense of fun and healing, and resilience in participants. I care about creating possibilities and choices for participants in my program and strive to have a positive, lasting effect on all those I meet in person and in more distanced, virtual forums.

Further, while working in my outreach role, I completed my Master of Science program online at Clemson University. I earned my MS in Youth Development Leadership in August 2021. Since I continually work to further my knowledge, cultivate my thirst for learning, and find a lot of worth in developing a growth mindset. Today, I continue to work in community outreach as a coach at a therapy center where I support youth and adults in their journey toward mental health.

Otherwise, I am a New Englander through and through. I grew up near the largest lake in Connecticut in a classic small town, complete with a Main Street and gazebo, just about an hour out of New York City. From a young age, my family taught me to love adventure and encouraged my sense of curiosity and wonder for the world around me. From summers soaking up the sun and surf on Cape Cod to winters slipping and sliding down Vermont and New Hampshire mountains to amazing trips up and down the East Coast, I have acquired a love of life and all it has to offer. Life is about creating and sharing meaningful experiences with warm, loving people! I can’t wait to enjoy moments with you!

A tiny bit more!