Affirmations for GRATITUDE


The mind is a powerful thing. Thinking positive thoughts & speaking affirmations out loud to yourself allow your vibrations to rise & your life to shift & change for the better. You give life to what you give energy to & gratitude, thanks, & love is a great place to start. Gratitude allows you to fall in love with the life you have & from gratitude springs joy for that life. Try using these positive affirmations for gratitude:

  • I am grateful for all that I am.

  • I am lucky for all that I have.

  • I am so happy & grateful for my life.

  • I am thankful that every day is an opportunity to do better.


“Be grateful for small things, big things, & everything in between.”

- Mandy Hall

  • I am grateful for this loving, beautiful body & mind, both get stronger every day.

  • I am so grateful for all the people in my life & thankful for time with loved ones.

  • I am grateful that the Universe is working for my greater good.

  • I am showered with blessings whenever I show gratitude.

  • I am so blessed to be able to enjoy all the small moments.




just a joyous journey