Reminders for 2021

13 Reminders for 2021.jpg

In 2021, I am going to focus on my future & recognize that other people’s opinions & thoughts on my life do not need to be my reality.  I choose my journey & the right moves for me.  Those right moves do not have to align with everyone else’s moves.

I am not going to step into the new year perfect by any definition of the word.  But I am going to use my time this year to heal.  I will use my judgments of others as reflections on myself & I will try to quiet my mind & not overthink.  Finding joy in moments & life.

In 2021, I am going to create my own happiness from within & utilize the power of positive thinking.  My smile is infectious & I am kind.  I will bring warmth & light to all those I meet.

I am going to say yes to life!  I will try & preserver, no matter the outcome.

I know what I put out into the world I will receive!

2021 will be the year we all move forward!!!

*** Please note: The image in this post can be found on Pinterest & throughout the internet. The image inspired the writing, but I am not the original creator of the image. Unfortunately, I do not know who created the “13 Reminders” image. ***


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